

Those who applied for the humanitarian permit of stay before October 5th 2018 – day on which Salvini’s first security decree was passed as law – does not lose the right to have the humanitarian permit of stay.
The first security decree (D.L. n. 113/2018, converted on L.n. 132/2018) issued by Salvini the racist, expected, as a matter of fact, the cancelation of humanitarian per-mits of stay, among other unfair norms.
On November 10th 2018, the national forum “Indivisibili&Solidali” launched the first national protest against racism and the Salvini security decree. Side by side with so many immigrants, associations and trade unions, who took part in it, we have always denounced- and continue to do so - the injustice and evil of this law. It threatens the life and freedom of our brothers and sisters as well as of so many good willed people.
Now we have good news! At the end of last year, the judges of the Court of Appeal (the most important judges in Italy) said that the Salvini law was wrong.
Two important things to know:
1) those who had the humanitarian permit of stay and those who applied for asylym before October 5th 2018 have the right to have the humanitarian permit of stay, even if the Salvini law cancelled it;
2) having a job in Italy or proof of wanting to integrate into society (i.e going to school, trainning courses, university etc.), helps to obtain the permit of stay
This is important information which encourages us to keep fighting to affirm freedom, welcoming and rights for all. Specially today, when so many good people are starting to react against the climate of hate and evil (with moments like the “Sar-dine”). It is possible to go forward in asking for the abolishment of the inhumane security decrees issued by Salvini, through uniting with many antiracist and solidary sincere people. We are already trying to do this with the national forum “Indivisi-bili&Solidali” which is uniting associations, trade unions and social centres who are comitted each in its own way in this battle.
You can come visit us in our premises and you will find brothers and sisters who can help you also thanks to the support of our lawyer friends.

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